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Buyers Protection

We want only the best for our customers, unfortunately sometimes there is an unforeseen problem with an order. Because we ship yours with the highest priority and try to deliver it as soon as possible, it can still happen that the products slips past our quality control checks. To be there for you, and show you that we can be trusted, we have set up our Grandado buyers protection program.

With this program, you will always get your money back if you are not satisfied with your order. After you order from us, you are automatically enrolled in this programme at no extra cost!

When can you make use of our Buyer Protection programme?

  • When your order is not delivered

  • When the product ordered is not what you’ve ordered (wrong product, wrong version, missing parts or broken item)

  • When your order is not complete

What are the eligibility conditions for the buyer protection programme?

  • You must first submit a dispute through our Customer Service.

  • You must request your refund within 150 calendar days of your purchase

  • The cost of your product is less than €100

  • If the order falls under our return procedure, we ask you to follow the return procedure

  • Non business orders

For more information on making a claim under our buyer protection programme: click here.

How can you request a refund through our buyer protection programme? Use our online form

What does our buyer protection programme not cover:

  • Taxes

Free shipping

We offer free shipping for all products

Free returns

If you aren't satisfied, you can return within 100 days

Low prices

Up to 40% off, and new deals every week

5 million products

With over 5 million products, you are guaranteed to find something you like